Laurence A. Rickels


While his reputation and career seem to traverse a diverse group of interests and institutions, there is at the same time a “continuity shot” to follow throughout in his commitment to psychoanalysis and problems of mourning.
“Rickels’ work, it is worth pointing out, is reminiscent of Harold Bloom’s The Anxiety of Influence, both in its command of the contributions of Freud’s early followers to classical psychoanalysis and in its desire to challenge literary studies with a mode of reading that exceeds the boundaries of text-immanent criticism. Rickels is unlike Bloom, however, in his insistence that the psychoanalysis of literature must go beyond the notions of patricidal writing that followed a generation of psychoanalysts’ reduction of Freud’s thought to the Oedipal scenario” (Modern Language Notes 112, 1997: 487).

Laurence Rickels Vorstellung

About Laurence A. Rickels' Exploration of Destinations of Mourning

The images in the carousel above are cropped versions of photographs that also appear in full on the site.
Unless noted otherwise, the author portraits are from the “Cover Series" by Nancy Barton.